Saturday, May 22, 2010

PNAC and 9/11 must be talked about EVERYWHERE!!!


FBI Foia regarding 4 planes used in 911 attacks

Dear Mr. Monaghan:

This is in reference to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request Number and civil litigation referenced above, and a follow-up to our initial response letter dated September 24, 2007.

Upon receipt of your initial FOIA request for “documentation pertaining to any formally and positively identified debris by the FBI, from all four civilian commercial aircraft used in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001,” we conducted a preliminary review for potentially responsive documents. At that time, RIDS understood that any potentially responsive records were located in a pending file of an ongoing investigation, and therefore determined that they would be withheld in their entirety. Therefore, you received my initial determination, in a letter dated September 24,2007, that the material you requested is located in an investigative file, which is exempt from disclosure pursuant to Title 5, United States Code, Section 552 (b)(7)(A). An explanation of this exemption was included in my correspondence. Exemption (b)(7)(A) protects from disclosure records and information compiled for law enforcement purposes the release of which could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings. You were also advised that you could appeal this denial by writing to the Office of Information and Privacy (OIP), U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ).

You appealed to alP, and Associate Director Janice Galli McLeod, affirmed the FBI’s determination to withhold any potentially responsive records in their entirety, because they are protected from disclosure under the FOIA pursuant to 5 U.S.c., Section 552 (b)(7)(A).

We then received a copy of your complaint for injunctive relief, later amended, wherein you requested the FBI to “produce agency records, concerning documentation revealing the process by which wreckage recovered by defendant, from the aircraft used during the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, was positively identified by defendant (with the aid of the National Transportation Safety Board), as belonging to the said aircraft, presumably though the use of unique serial number identifying information contained by the said aircraft wreckage, that was collected by defendant and which defendant has improperly withheld from plaintiff.” The Record/Information Dissemination Section (RIDS) again conducted a search for potentially responsive records.

After this extensive research, RIDS has been unable to locate any FBI records responsive to your request. RIDS’ search efforts included verification by the responsible FBIHQ operational division that because the identity of the three hijacked aircraft has never been in question by the FBI, NTSB or FAA (since other evidence collected after 9/11 has all corroborated the fact that American Airlines Flight 11, United Airlines Flight 175, American Airlines Flight 77 and United Airlines Flight 93 were the aircraft that were hijacked), no records would have been generated responsive to your request for documents “revealing the process by which wreckage recovered by defendant, from the aircraft used during the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, was positively identified by defendant (with the aid of the National Transportation Safety Board), as belonging to the said aircraft, presumably though the use of unique serial number identifying information contained by the said aircraft wreckage.”

Sincerely yours,

David M. Hardy
Section Chief,

Record/lInformation Dissemination Section
Records Management Division

PNAC and 9/11 must be exposed

9/11-PNAC, 9/11-PNAC
Jesse, Editor, 12, July, 2005

We must open PNAC and 9/11 to public discourse because all roads may very well lead to or from 9/11.

9/11 is not the reason the Bush/PNAC agenda took shape, it is the
excuse for implementing it.

9/11 gave these men everything they could possibly ask for including unlimited power to implement their otherwise unacceptable plans for global domination. Nothing else would have enabled them to go ahead with their plans. 9/11 was the greatest thing that ever happened to these men. If that does not make you suspicious, nothing will. What are the odds that all of this is nothing more than a historical coincidence? Do these facts, at the very least, merit public discourse?

Unless the events of 9/11 are discussed openly and without apprehension, nothing else is real. When the people who benefited the most from the events of 9/11 were the very people responsible for preventing them, something is wrong. Since these people had ability to prevent, permit or conduct the events themselves, their collective and individual responses to the events must be examined and analyzed to the last detail. Anything less would be cowardice.

Even a rookie detective will tell you that motive and means are the keys to identifying suspects in a crime. The self-proclaimed goals of the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) clearly establish a more realistic and plausible motive to create a "new Pearl Harbor" than can be attributed to any Islamic extremist. As a matter of fact, the events of 9/11 were perhaps the most counterproductive factors in the history of Islamic progress. They resulted in an overwhelming backlash against the many Islamic people around the world.

Contrast the two motives. For the neocons in PNAC, 9/11 was a dream come true. Their dormant agenda now had an excuse for being implemented. On the other hand, the motive attributed to terrorists for the events of 9/11 was the laughable "they hate our freedom,” ostensibly stemming from the teachings of Islam. In truth, such acts would have violated the teachings of their religion and exponentially added a heavy burden to the daily life of every Muslim. This is not to say that there were no Al Qaeda types involved in the events of 9/11. It merely raises unanswered questions about what Al Qaeda really is and with whom their members work. And if they were actually involved in the events, what were the real reasons for their actions? Their motives, not those attributed to them, have to become part of the public discourse.

THE RESPONSE TO 9/11: We discuss the Iraq war as if the plans to invade Iraq were suddenly thought of on 9/11. We do the same with the Patriot Act. We do the same with the war in Afghanistan. We do the same for the continual assault on our Constitution. We do the same for the unprecedented rise in government secrecy (which actually started prior to 9/11, with Cheney's secret energy policy meetings). As a matter of fact, the administration is doing just about anything it wants, in secret, using the excuse of 9/11. This unlimited power is a dream come true for the PNAC cabal. The media constantly repeat the neocon mantra that 9/11 justifies all of this unchecked power. Nothing can be further from the truth.

9/11 is not the reason the Bush/PNAC agenda took shape, it is the excuse for its implementation. It was not a response to the events of 9/11. It was waiting in the wings for an event like 9/11 to breath life into it much like the bolts of lightening that brought life to the Frankenstein monster.

The members of the Project For a New American Century had their agenda prepared and published before they propped up an uniformed, inexperienced, failed businessman named George W. Bush as their poster candidate. He had great appeal among the good ole boys and the bible thumpers who were not very likely to vote for the scowling man behind the curtain, Dick Cheney. George W. Bush had not been sitting around for the previous 10 years thinking about foreign policy. Rather, he was being coached on foreign policy by handlers who had to teach him that Africa was a continent and not a country.

The stated aims of PNAC can be followed from their war plans to their hopes of global military superiority. George W. Bush was not a factor when PNAC was writing its openly published policies. But once the 2000 election was secured, PNAC members became and remain the mainstay of the Bush administration, holding virtually every major position relating to foreign policy.

However, to this day, PNAC has not been mentioned by any of our corporate news media. Most Americans have never heard of it, and few can name its members in positions of power in their own government. As a matter of fact the chairman of PNAC, William Kristol (Editor of the PNAC publication, the Weekly Standard), is a regular pundit offering analyses of Bush policies on FOX News. Never has Kristol been identified as having any connection to PNAC despite being one of the authors of our current foreign policy. He is regularly presented to the public as an impartial journalist. In fact, not a single government spokesperson has ever been identified as a PNAC member. Talk about media deception!

When there is any discussion of Bush policy, from the Iraq War to the Patriot Act, we are told that 9/11 changed everything. This is nonsense. The most controversial acts of the Bush/PNAC administration were planned and held in abeyance prior to 9/11. The people who prepared the PNAC agenda did not think they had a chance in hell of their goals coming to fruition. Can you imagine the Patriot Act passing without 9/11 having taken place?

Reality check: The 800 + pages of the Patriot Act were written prior to 9/11. So were the plans to invade both Afghanistan and Iraq. But PNAC needed 9/11 to take place. They wanted 9/11 to take place. They wrote about 9/11 (their new Pearl Harbor) taking place. What makes you think they had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11 taking place?

As a matter of fact, the book The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives, by Zbigniew Brzezinski, published in 1998, basically blueprints everything that is going on today as it relates to the military primacy of the US and it's domination of the world. This is not new stuff. The Bush/PNAC administration is not responding to 9/11. They are in fact carrying out a pre-planned agenda made possible by 9/11.

FACT: We have an administration built around a group of people that has drawn members from previous administrations, many of whom were involved in crimes, lies, dirty tricks and warmongering. From the dirty tricks camp of Nixon to the crop of Iran-Contra felons, our administration is comprised of people who have treated our government and military as tools for their personal use. Add to that former members of the George H. W. Bush's administration and his and circle of friends. Remember that Daddy Bush hired a PR firm to create lies that would coerce Congress into attacking Iraq even after he had given Saddam a tacit nod to invade Kuwait. (That, by the way, was an impeachable offense). All these people were assembled and ready for action before they ever invited George W. Bush to run as their front man.

FACT: These men had an agenda, which is public and was published on their own website. This agenda was so radical that it would have take a very long time to implement unless there was, in their words, "some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor." Do you think that the lives of a few thousand strangers were too high a price for them to pay for unlimited power? Do you think they were incapable of finding some way to proceed with an agenda that was otherwise destined to remain in the "unreachable/radical policy" file?

FACT: 9/11 gave these men everything they could possibly ask for including unlimited power to implement their otherwise unacceptable plans for global domination. Nothing else would have enabled them to go ahead with their plans. 9/11 was the greatest thing that ever happened to these men. If that does not make you suspicious, nothing will. What are the odds that all of this is nothing more than a historical coincidence? Do these facts, at the very least, merit public discourse?

BELIEVABLE?: The failure of virtually every existing standard security procedure on 9/11 is so implausible that without active and wide spread interference there would be no way the events could have unfolded over the time period in question. Every agency with responsibility for our protection on the day of the events failed to follow procedure. Every one. This happening by accident is not only implausible but the mathematical odds are mind-boggling. Add in the PNAC motive factor and the odds of this being a coincidence become incalculable. Imagine having a government in place that was comprised of people who openly professed the benefits of a new Pearl Harbor on the day it actually occurred, and imagine that this has never been a topic of public discourse. No need to imagine because it it true.


The so-called liberal media, along with a large segment of the alternative media, are playing a dangerous game. They are perpetuating a false reality in much the same way as our criminal corporate media. They claim to be the saviors of truth. They do discuss real issues that are omitted from the fairy tale reality portrayed by our corporate media. Election fraud, treason, blatant and numerous lies that led to war, convicted felons back in the White House (Iran Contra felons), and the dismantling of our Constitution are all important issues addressed in detail only by the liberal and alternative media.

While these issues are vital, they can not be discussed in isolation of the motives of the Project for a New American Century and the empowering payday they reaped from the events of 9/11. Omitting the 9/11-PNAC connection during these discussions perpetuates an incomplete reality of America and the world. Even the liberal and alternative media pretend that PNAC does not exist. PNAC is at the crux of every geopolitical event taking place today in this nation. The members of this organization have to be exposed and discussed and they have to be part of the American vernacular.

Those of you who have seen TvNewsLIES editorials regularly linked on other alternative news sites may notice a trend. Some sites, no matter how liberal, refuse to discuss 9/11 or PNAC and accordingly will not link to our editorials on these subjects. While those sites provide a great deal of information to the public and they are truly invaluable assets in our battle to preserve our democracy, they must join the discussion when it comes to the most important event of our lifetime and the controversial figures of the Bush administration.

Of course, the liberal/alternative media's version of life is much closer to reality than that of the corporate media or the right wing's mythical image of a faith based America. However, a false reality is still a false reality.

There are some people in the broadcast media who will discuss the 9/11 issue and PNAC, but they are few and far between. The truth is that the alternative media for the most part, especially the higher profile broadcasters, will not acknowledge these issues. And if they are not willing to discuss the PNAC connection to 9/11, they are ignoring reality.

The bottom line is that most issues that we are discussing and virtually every controversial topic hinge on the events of 9/11. If there had been no 9/11, the preplanned agenda of the Project for a New American Century would have stayed in remission, where it belonged. There would have been no Iraq War, no Patriot Act, no diminished civil rights, no bleeding of the nation’s resources for a fabricated war on terror, and no financial windfall for the war profiteers. And surely there would have been no way to convince the public that “9/11 changed everything!"

I am calling for an end to the inexplicable silence about 9/11 and PNAC in the media. I am calling for the independent journalists, webmasters, broadcasters and editors to engage in discussions on the topics of 9/11, and more importantly PNAC. Reality did not begin on September 11th, 2001 or on Inauguration Day of that year. It is high time that the public becomes aware of the individuals who were at the helm when "everything changed!"

A WAKE-UP CALL: Our corporate media are all but dead. We have to counter the false reality being presented to the public by this behemoth. The alternative media are our only hope. We can no longer ignore the existence of PNAC. We must open PNAC and 9/11 to public discourse because all roads may very well lead to or from 9/11.

Jesse - Editor,


TvNewsLIES Challenges Believers of the Official Version of 9/11: - Where the Hell is YOUR proof?
They Are Not “Conspiracy Theories” - They Are, in Fact, “Discoveries”
Before you call this a “Conspiracy Theory” read this! Learn the difference between theory and fact!
9/11 – US Complicity: Implausible, or Very Probable? - Questions for the People Who Believe the Official Conspiracy Theory
9/11 - All the Proof You Need
9/11 Facts
WHY AMERICANS REFUSE TO BELIEVE THE 9/11 EVIDENCE!!! - The attacks of 9/11 were so unthinkable that most Americans would refuse to believe the complicity of their own government, even if presented with a mountain of evidence. - Very simply, it is possible to escape blame if you do something that nobody in the world believes you could do.
If you want to learn about PNAC see this documentary
Preemptive Strike on the right wing: For those of you who are going to trash this article or site by using your typical one line name calling retorts, keep it to yourself. Learn to back up your arguments for a change. Calling someone a name does not support your claims. You people on the right seem to think that you can discredit an article or a source by coming up with a creative insult. Sorry, but your arguments don’t hold water. You also tend to attempt to discredit valid information by finding a single unrelated and often unverified critique, such as finding a single comment or link on this 350 page site that might be questionable. This still does not hold water. Your blanket comments such as to call anything that contradicts your beliefs a conspiracy theory don’t exactly support your position. Simply dismissing things is as valid as closing your eyes and pretending something is real or fake. Keep in mind there is a difference between conspiracy theory and reasonable suspicion and that just because something might appear to be a conspiracy theory does not mean that it is not true.

Anyone who wants to provide me with solid information that addresses a claim on this site, please do so, for I do not want to proliferate false claims.

To back up my position, if you want to cover my travel expenses I will take part in a public discussion about any topic on this web site. So before you open your rude name calling mouths and deal out your insults from the protected world that is your Internet connection, you are being challenged to back up your claims or keep them to yourself. My offer extends to all members of the media. I’ll show up on any program and I will back up my claims.

Photos prove hoax

FBI Refuses To Confirm Identities Of 4 Aircraft Used During 9/11 Attacks [link]

CNN Reported No Plane Hit Pentagon

Here is a video clip from CNN coverage on the morning of 9/11. CNN reporter Jamie McIntyre says he inspected the Pentagon site and it is obvious no 757 crashed there. His exact words are as follows below......

JAMIE MCINTYRE: From my close-up inspection, there's no evidence of a plane having crashed anywhere near the Pentagon.

The only site, is the actual side of the building that's crashed in. And as I said, the only pieces left that you can see are small enough that you pick up in your hand. There are no large tail sections, wing sections, fuselage, nothing like that anywhere around which would indicate that the entire plane crashed into the side of the Pentagon and then caused the side to collapse.

Even though if you look at the pictures of the Pentagon you see that the floors have all collapsed, that didn't happen immediately. It wasn't until almost about 45 minutes later that the structure was weakened enough that all of the floors collapsed.

Alternate link for above video: Check out this shockwave video file

UPDATE: The above video (and transcript) has now become of heightened importance in light of Jamie McIntyre's recent comments on CNN [May 16/06] following the court ordered release of more ambiguous pentagon video footage.

Mr. McIntyre now claims, that on the day of September 11/01 he did see plane wreckage (including a cockpit no less!!) at the front of the pentagon. Either Mr. McIntyre is one of those rarest of individuals who's memory actually improves years after witnessing an event first hand, or we have more evidence of media smoke and mirrors from the usual players. He also states that he "did not feel or know that a plane hit the pentagon till I actually saw it on CNN".... yet no such video was aired by CNN. Mr. McIntyre offers us his proof that the plane that hit the pentagon must have been flight 77 for the "simple fact" that it took off that morning...... and "cell phone calls" were made from it. WATCH HIS COMMENTS HERE
Go HERE to see our analysis of this "new" video, and the media's rather curious attempt to draw conclusions for the viewer..... plus a video simulation of what it would look like if a 757 had been captured by Pentagon video crashing into the front of the building.


Related Link: Pentagon 9/11 Video Being Held Back by FBI

And now for the punch line......??
Yet another farcical 'no plane seen' release of the pentagon crash video confiscated by FBI. Seeing this video WAS considered a national security risk....

The video, recorded by a security camera at the Doubletree Hotel in Arlington, was released to public interest group Judicial Watch and others who filed a lawsuit seeking the tape and other videos from that day.
CNN filed a Freedom of Information request for the video in February 2002, after the manager of the hotel disclosed its existence to CNN Senior Pentagon Correspondent Jamie McIntyre and said it had been confiscated by the FBI. CNN's FOI request was denied because at the time the tape was considered evidence in the investigation of Zacarias Moussaoui, who has since been convicted.

[What it does seem to show, however, is that the aircraft that crashed into the pentagon was coming in at very VERY low altitude, as opposed to the 45 degree angle 'steep dive' trajectory put forward by some government conspiracy theorists, as part of their 75 to 90 foot hole story. Otherwise you should be able to clearly make out the belly of a 757 over the highway overpass in the foreground.]
Lets get this "plane made 75 foot hole" fallacy out of the way first, because people like "Popular Mechanics" are (as amazing as it sounds) still using this bogus bit of info as one of the "facts" they claim as debunking the 911 truth movement.


Please see part II for more videos exposing serious contradictions in FACT, that the government has refused to deal with, because it conflicts with their conspiracy theory.

Nine months of research. Can a plane hit a building twice? Wrong angle, wrong altitude, the computers can't lie. This proves that flight 77 COULD NOT have hit the pentagon!

Flight 77: The Flight Data Recorder Investigation Files

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