Abuse of Orphans in Quebec
Satan In The Suburbs Pt 1
Duplessis Orphans
Mass Graves of children found near Montreal another Duplessis Orphan Tells of being tortured
Mass Graves Of Children Found Near Montreal; Another Duplessis Orphan Tells Of Being Tortured As A Child In CIA Experimentation Programs
By Greg Szymanski 13 April 06
Fri, 14 Apr 2006 12:00 EDT
Another Duplessis Orphan has come forward with horror stories, including electro shock therapy, straight jacket sessions and mind altering drugs injections after being subjected to illegal government experimentation programs as a young child.
Pierre Sampson, 60, of Vancouver, Canada endured the torturous treatment for six long years until at the age of 14 when he finally escaped.
But thousands of other Duplessis Orphans weren't as lucky, as investigators recently uncovered a mass grave outside of Montreal where the bones of hundreds of children are buried in a mass grave.
Called the "pigsty" since the grave site is located next to a hog farm, Rod Vienneau, whose wife was also a child victim, said a push is now underway to exhume the bodies with strong resistance from governments on both side of the border, both denying any involvement in the face of compelling evidence to the contrary.
"I have been researching this atrocity for more than 10 years since my wife went public about being abused as one of the orphans," said Rod Vienneau this week on Greg Szymanski's radio show, The Investigative Journal, regarding the Duplessis Orphans, who may number more than 50,000 and named after former Prime Minister Maurice Duplessis, a key figure in the child experimentation cover-up.
"We have documentation proving the link among with the CIA, the United States government and the Canadian government, all of them willing accomplices to the illegal experimentation of children.
"Thousands of children have died, thousands of others have endured great suffering and there remains about 3,000 surviving victims we know about who are still seeking justice. What's even more astonishing is that the illegal experimentation is still taking place while we speak."
Sampson, who went public for the first time in the United States on The Investigative Journal, is one of tens of thousands of children who were reduced to experimental guinea pigs by unscrupulous doctors, some known Nazi war criminals in a CIA program starting in the 1950's.
Recently, a Canadian high court in 2004 awarded damages to adult mind control victims in a related case, pinning the CIA with responsibility as well as their unscrupulous doctors, including Dr. Ewin Cameron.
For a further look at Dr. Cameron's nefarious activities, a book called The Most Dangerous Game traces the history of top-secret CIA mind control operation MK-ULTRA: from the covert importation of NAZI scientists at the end of WWII, to the illegal brainwashing experiments conducted on the patients of psychiatric researcher, Dr Cameron.
The same type of testing Dr Cameron and others performed on adults is now being traced to innocent children, as advocates for the Duplessis Orphans contend their evil knows no age limits.
Regarding Sampson's personal story, he said at the age of six he was transferred from a Catholic orphanage to a mental institution even though he was both mentally and physically sound as church and civil authorities overnight changed his paperwork, indicating he was mentally ill.
"After researching what happened," said Sampson, who also appeared this week on The Investigative Journal. "The Church made a deal with the government to turn over perfectly healthy children in return for money, giving the doctors the ability to experiment at will since we were all considered insane.
"To this day my records haven't been changed. Although I have never been mentally ill, my records still haven't been changed."
The link Sampson makes between the infiltrated Catholic Church and corrupted civil authorities is disturbing, indicating a consolidation of corruption not only in government but extending all the way to Rome and beyond.
According to Vienneau and Sampson, this inhumane treatment was accomplished with the full authority, cooperation and funding of the American and Canadian governments together with corrupted elements of the Catholic Church, one of the government's main suppliers of children used like experimental guinea pigs.
"I hope one day we can get justice and remove this evil element of people from the continent," said Vienneau. "How can we live in a society and trust a government who is killing our own children? These people will never admit to what they done and the only thing we can do is gather enough support among good people to have these corrupted leaders removed."
Vienneau also outlined what his main motives are in seeking justice for his wife, Sampson and the many other children abused by the illegal experimentation programs.
"Criminal acts: Horrific criminal acts were done to thousands of innocent children here on Canadian soil ranging from murders, tortures; disappearance of children; lobotomy's and experimental drugs and falsely labeling thousands of innocent young children from 1935 to 1975 and nobody has yet been held accountable for these free criminal acts done to the Duplessis orphans.
"Thousands of orphans were falsely labeled mentally ill, and today, this label still hangs heavy on the orphans shoulders, This label has not yet been erased, this alone is a criminal act.
"The Quebec government, the College of Physicians of Quebec; the Roman Catholic church of Quebec; the Quebec Public Trustee;(Guardianship) and the federal government of Canada and America have not yet acknowledged the harm done to thousands of young children here in Quebec.
"Constitutional Rights : The Quebec government took away the Duplessis orphans rights to defend themselves in a court of law since 1995, all though four members of parliament stated that the orphans could take a lawyer at any time for their case, but it has been 11 years now that many orphans have been trying to get a lawyer for their case but to no avail.
"Lawyer Daniel Lighter, told me flatly that the Duplessis orphans case is locked shut tight since over fifteen years. The Duplessis orphans have no Constitutional rights, it all boils down to a huge cover up."
Editor's Note: It's beyond the realm of human comprehension how newspaper owners in the mainstream lack the decency to mount an investigation for the memory of all the dead children and the many others who have suffered at the hands of corrupted politicians and church leaders.
By ignoring this story for more than five decades, major newspaper owners in the United States should be branded as co-conspirators along with the corrupted church leaders and politicians, who all march to the altar in lockstep every Sunday with the blood of the Duplessis Orphans dripping from their dirty hands.
Canadian Genocide
Hidden from History:
The Canadian Holocaust
More Canadian Horror!
It wasn't that long ago that me, Nancy Mayer, Irene Deschenes and George (a Duplessis orphan) followed the Canadian Bishops from their conference in Cornwall to a church in Kingston, Ontario, where they planned to co-celebrate mass. We planned a VERY SMALL demonstration..3 women and an aging man. I carried a sign that said: "Female victims ignored" and Nancy, Irene and George carried crosses with a heart in the middle with the words "sexual abuse" written in red. A formidable group!
A priest told us to get off church property or he would phone the police. A Catholic woman tried to form a physical barrier between the "protestors" and the bishops. The priest/pastor hissed at the woman: "Don't talk to them!" The bishop's had security tightened and they entered their bus without a word to the 4 "terrorists" who were held at abeyance.
Duplessis orphans call for exhumations: Aim to show children were experimented upon
National Post
Saturday, June 19, 2004
Byline: William Marsden
A group of orphans are fighting for the bodies of children to be exhumed from an abandoned Montreal cemetery in a bid to discover whether they were the subject of medical experiments. The group has hired a lawyer to ask a court for permission to dig up the bodies of the children, who were also orphans, and perform forensic examinations.
Rod Vienneau, a spokesman for the orphans, said, "We want to show that these people were the victims of medical experiments such as lobotomies." There were about 20,000 orphans during the 1940s, '50s and early '60s -- generally called the Duplessis era, after Quebec premier Maurice Duplessis -- who were handed over to various religious institutions.
Thousands were labelled mentally deficient and sent to asylums and other church-run institutions because the nuns running the establishments received larger subsidies for the mentally ill.
The orphans' group claims children buried in an abandoned cemetery in east-end Montreal may have been victims of medical experiments performed at the old Cite de St. Jean de Dieu insane asylum, now Louis-Hyppolite Lafontaine Hospital.
The group's lawyer, Daniel Lighter, said, "If there is evidence of this kind of activity, then it would certainly be important evidence in a suit against the government, church and doctors."
Mr. Lighter said it will take several months to analyze whether there is enough proof to persuade a judge to order the exhumations. Many orphans were sexually abused and forced to work in slave-labour conditions. Some claim as well that many were subjected to medical experiments inside the asylums.
Albert Sylvio, 62, was a Duplessis orphan who lived at St. Jean de Dieu in the 1950s. He said that during that time, he transported about 60 bodies of fellow orphans from the operating rooms to the basement morgue. "I undressed them and washed them and prepared them for burial," he said. "We put them in cardboard boxes. Some of them were children." He said the bodies were then taken to the cemetery and buried in unmarked graves.
"There was never any ceremony. Some of these people died on the operating table. Some had been sick and some had committed suicide." The medical experiments are alleged to have been performed on living orphans.
Paul St. Aubain, another Duplessis orphan, said he was lobotomized at age 18 at a mental hospital in Joliette called St. Michel Archange. "I wasn't ill," he said. "They did it without my consent, without my permission. They were experimenting with me. I was a prisoner." Mr. St. Aubain, 52, said he spent 25 years in various mental institutions run by nuns in Quebec and during that time saw "other orphans who were lobotomized."
He said doctors also gave him electroshock therapy and numerous psychiatric drugs. Mr. St. Aubain now lives on welfare in Joliette. He cannot work. A Quebec law passed in 1942 allowed the nuns to sell unclaimed bodies to medical schools for $10. Many dead orphans, whose names and identities had been changed or erased, were dissected. What was left of their bodies was buried in cemeteries such as St. Jean de Dieu.
One government registry indicates there were about 2,000 bodies buried at the St. Jean de Dieu cemetery, which locals called the "pigsty" because it was next to a hog farm owned by the nuns. At least 42 were children.
How many orphans ended up as cadavers for anatomy students is not known because hospital registries have disappeared from government archives or were never properly filled out.
The practice of selling unclaimed cadavers to medical schools continued into the 1960s. In 2002, a group of 1,100 orphans settled with the government for about $25-million for wrongfully placing them in mental institutions. Other Duplessis orphans, who had been placed in religious institutions and claim they were sexually abused, are still fighting for compensation.
"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in times of moral
outrage retain their neutrality." (Dante, Inferno) Or, to put it more
clearly: You are either part of the problem or part of the solution.
The dye is cast.
Gus Van Sant mind control connections
More Gus Van Sant mind control connections:
The Merry Pranksters were led by Ken Kesey and closely associated with CIA
hippy cult band The Grateful Dead, who co-hosted with the pranksters gigantic
LSD parties known as 'acid tests'. Pranksters hippy cult flower child Courtney Love , at six years old, appeared
on the back of this Grateful Dead album (her father Hank Harrison was manager of the Grateful Dead):
Murder of Louis Markerley
Satanic Ritual Abuse Pt 1 Murder of Louis Mackerley
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